Enjoy Vietnam's Privacy Policy
Contact details
Company name: “Enjoy Vietnam”
Address: Reigerstraat 10, 4811 XB Breda, The Netherlands
Contacts: verhoeven@vierrato.nl ; Phone: +31 76 781 2345
Manager: Eugene Verhoeven
What personal data is collected by us?
Your name and surname
Your email address
Mobile number
Third party apps collecting data
Google analytics – Vie the extension Google Analytics, we collect your behavior on our website. We collect the time you spend on our pages and how you navigate trough them. Furthermore, with Google analytics we collect the location you enter our website from and the speed you navigate through our website.
Smile – Smile is the provider of the loyalty program on Enjoy Vietnam’s website. It is a third-party external service provider.
Collection of data
We collect your personal data when you create an account on our website. Furthermore, we collect the data while you navigate through the website with Google Analytics. The navigational and website data is collected from Wix as well.
Wix – Wix is the tool we use to store the data you have consented to share with us. The Wix platform is only a provider of storage room for us and thus does not sell or share your personal information with third party apps and companies. Furthermore, Wix does not use your data for their practices. Find more about Wix’s Privacy Policy
Why we collect this data?
Personal data is collected to make the best offers based on your own activity and online behavior connected to our website and services. This way, we ensure that our relationship with customers is as personalized to them as possible. Personal data is collected to also adjust our business according to the consumer.
Website data is collected to optimize our services to work the best for you and your convenience. When we collect the data provided from your navigation through the website, we could identify problems and resolve them for you. What is more, when we want to optimize the user experience, we want to make sure you work with it and we adjust the process accordingly.
Customer service
As stated in 5.1 Enjoy Vietnam collects personal data to provide the best customer service and experience for you. We would use the email address you provide to create personalized offers and send you out our promotions before people who have not subscribed receive them.
How the data is used
The data collected by Enjoy Vietnam is used for the sole purposes of the restaurant and its clients. The data is collected and analyzed in periods. The data is then compared with previous measures and conclusions are taken. With identifying pros and cons, we know what to keep and what to update in order for you to receive the best possible experience on our platform.
Personal data provided by you is dealt with by Enjoy Vietnam only. It again serves the purpose to provide you with the best personalized experience and strives to deliver satisfaction to you. The data is stored on our Wix database, where we could access and use it in our customers best interest.
Is your data shared with anyone?
Your data is collected and distributed form Enjoy Vietnam. Collection of data is available for Smile.io and Google, which serve the purpose to be used by Enjoy Vietnam.
Smile is the tool we use to ensure the loyalty program we offer on the website. The data is collected on via Smile’s app. Your data is not in possession of Smile to share and sell to third party apps and companies. Smile does not have the right to also use the information you provide to Enjoy Vietnam for their own purposes. Find more about Smile.io Privacy Policy
Google Analytics can collect yet not share and sell your data to external companies. The purpose of Google collecting your data is to serve the needs of Enjoy Vietnam’s website. This way, we ensure your experience on the platform.
By accepting our privacy policy and terms of condition, you subscribe to the email newsletter, which is sent periodically with deals and promotions created for you. This way we can keep you up to date and offer you the best personalized suggestions for you.
To unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can either contact us at verhoeven@vierrato.nl or directly unsubscribe from the menu on your email provider.